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Garlic: The Stinking Rose

Updated: Oct 10, 2018

Are you looking for a Super Food? Are you looking for something to compliment almost any savory dish? Do you enjoy a flavorful meal that also has health benefits? Then you will be sure to fall in love with this easy to prepare, economical and aromatic plant! Also referred to as "The Stinking Rose", Garlic is a pungent plant that is part of the Allium (onion) family, which has been used for many centuries, across many cultures for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Garlic is one of the earliest documented examples of a plant being used as a treatment for disease and for health maintenance. It has been appreciated by almost all cultures and has been used to alleviate many different aliments.

  • Garlic is a nutrient dense food, packed with phytochemicals and antioxidants.

  • Garlic is high in sulfur compounds which are believed to be responsible for its strong scent, pungent taste and health benefits.

  • Garlic has been linked to reducing the risk for Heart Disease, showing to have positive affects on Blood Pressure and Blood Cholesterol.

  • Garlic may reduce the affects of Diabetes by helping to regulate blood sugar levels.

  • Garlic has been recognized by The National Cancer Institute as having potential Anti-Cancer properties.

  • Garlic has been shown to have antimicrobial properties that aide in treating infections and the common cold.

  • Garlic may even help combat against Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

  • Garlic has been shown to act as an anti-fatigue agent

You can prepare garlic many different ways, it can be crushed, chopped, pressed, pureed, or minced as well as sauteed or roasted.

While at the store, be sure to choose a firm, plumb bulb with a dry skin, steer clear of soft or shriveled cloves. Make sure to store fresh garlic in an open container in a cool dry place. Unbroken bulbs can be stored as long as 3-4 months. Once broken apart from the bulb, individual cloves will keep for 3-10 days. If cloves sprout- the sprouts make a great salad topper! It is even possible to freeze fresh garlic for up to 12 months!

A popular storage method is to keep fresh peeled garlic in olive oil inside a mason jar! Also makes a cute gift idea!

Garlic is most effective in it's raw state

- Some ways to add raw garlic to your food:

- Add chopped garlic to a fresh salsa or guacamole

-Add chopped garlic to sauces or dressings

For more ideas try this web page!

If you want to cook your Garlic and still get some of the health benefits, it is suggested to crush the garlic first, then let it stand for about 10 minutes, so to allow time for the enzymes to form the sulfur compounds, needed for the health benefits. Lastly, add your garlic near the end of cooking your meal, ensuring that the heat does not destroy the nutrients. It is important not to overcook garlic, otherwise the flavor will become bitter. The most popular way to cook garlic is to roast it in the oven or in the summer time, on the grill!


Written By: Tara Cloutier

Buffalo State DEP Class 2020




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