Feed your healthy bacteria with prebiotics!
Prebiotics are parts of foods you do not digest that help grow the good bacteria in your colon. For a food to be classified as a prebiotic it must have three qualities; it must be non-digestible, fermentable, and able to help grow your healthy bacteria. For every one of your cells there are ten bacterial cells in your body! Feeding this bacteria improves immune health and gut function, keeping you healthy. Think of prebiotics as the fertilizer for your "gut garden".
Gut bacteria thrives on whole grains, fruits, and vegetables such as onions, garlic, leeks, bananas, asparagus, soybeans and wheat bran! Prebiotics may also be available in supplement form at your local pharmacy or health foods store. Fermented foods are another great source for prebiotics, try the recipe featured on our "Fermented Foods" blog post.
Prebiotics and probiotics are the dynamic duo of gut health, check out our "probiotics" post to learn more!
By: Katherine Jastrzab
Buffalo State Coordinated Dietetics Education Program
Prebiotics and Probiotics Creating a Healthier You. Retrieved from https://www.eatright.org/food/vitamins-and-supplements/nutrient-rich-foods/prebiotics-and-probiotics-creating-a-healthier-you
Raymond, J., & Mahan, K. (n.d.). Krause's Food & the Nutrition Care Process, 14th Edition (pp. 504-506). doi:9/18/18