By, Kristen Kuminski
Looking for a way to reduce heart disease and other chronic disorders? Research shows that consuming fish oil supplements may help.
Fish oil contains two important omega-3 fatty acids: EPA (eicosapetaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaeonic acid). Studies show that for patients with heart disease, higher levels of EPA and DHA are associated with lower sudden deaths. Other studies link fish oil to reductions in depression and other mood disorders. Fish oil has also been shown to lower blood pressure at very high doses. What does this mean? Consumption of omega-3 supplements may beneficial in combating heart disease, depression, and many other conditions.
If you are interested in taking fish oil supplements, be sure to consult a doctor or registered dietitian first. For best quality when choosing a fish oil supplement, look for one labeled "molecular distilled". For vegetarians, flax seed oil may also be beneficial. Lastly, only take omega-3/ fish oil supplements under a physician's supervision.
Raymond, J., & Mahan, K. (n.d.). Krause's Food & the Nutrition Care Process, 14th Edition